For more than 30 years, Fisher Houses have been a “home away from home” for military families at major military and VA medical centers. These homes were established through the generous philanthropy of Zachary and Elizabeth Fisher.
Fisher Houses offer free, temporary lodging to those families, allowing them to be close to their loved one during a medical crisis and to focus on what’s important – the healing process. “The love of a family is good medicine.”

The Mid-Missouri Fisher House was constructed on the grounds of the Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans’ Hospital in Columbia at a cost of more than $7 million. The Fisher House Foundation gifted the facility to Truman VA in 2023, with a dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony.

To date, more than 600 guests from 335 families have received free, temporary lodging and been afforded the opportunity to be near loved ones receiving health care treatment and services at Truman VA. The estimated savings in lodging costs is more than $122,000.

Friends of Mid-Missouri Fisher House is a local 501c3 nonprofit organization that partners with the Fisher House Foundation and Truman VA Hospital to provide assistance with “just in time” incidentals such as groceries and personal items for guests and emergency needs for the Mid-Missouri Fisher House.
We became aware of this organization through Affinity Wealth Partners client Blaine Alberti, a board member of the Friends of the Mid-Missouri Fisher House
To learn more, get involved or see their Amazon wish-list of needed items, please visit: MidMOFisherHouse.org.