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Affinity Academy

Whether your kid is 7 or 17, they are ready to hear money talk from their parents and grandparents. After all, financial literacy is not just about dollars and cents. You’re really showing them how to think for themselves, develop values and make sound decisions.


In the space of a few teachable moments, you can empower them to take control of their future – a worthy investment.

Financial Literacy Resources

Kids Page: Ages 3-12

Research shows us that many financial habits are set by the tender age of 7. Good habits must be learned, and that’s why we want to help you plant the seeds of financial literacy for your children from a very young age.


Here you'll find lesson plans, games and other tips. 


Teens Page: Ages 13+

Teenagers face a growing list of real personal finance decisions from purchasing a first vehicle, to saving for college, to signing a credit card agreement.


These games and tips help provide personal finance education for teens.


”More people should learn to tell their dollars where to go instead of asking them where they went.” 

                                                          - Roger Babson

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