We are proud long-time supporters of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Springfield. Their mission is to enable all young people, especially those most in need, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. What better investment to make in our community than the next generation?

For over 25 years, the organization has dreamed of building of a center dedicated to the needs of local teens. The pandemic and its impact on teens, especially their mental health, brought renewed focus on creating a facility to benefit this struggling population.
In February, the nonprofit broke ground on a state-of-the-art,three- story, 32,000-square-foot center: The Risdal Family Teen Center for Great Futures.

The center will be available to middle and high school students ages 13 and up, and all services will be free. They aim to service 1000+ youth in the Springfield community, doubling their current reach.

The Teen Center will be located just north of Parkview High School’s JFK Stadium along Grant Avenue Parkway, an off-street pedestrian and bicycle pathway, right in the heart of Springfield.

A Snapshot of the Need
1,200 middle school & high school aged youth in Springfield are identified as unstably housed
14.7% of local students seriously considered suicide in 2020
1 out of 3 victims of human trafficking are under 18 years of age
Boys & Girls Clubs of Springfield is the only after-school provider that intentionally serves high school students and teens
1 out of every 10 local students have used electronic cigarettes
New data on teen mental health during the pandemic suggest that for many, home life was full of stressors like job loss, hunger and violence
Why is this Fundraiser Important?
“The Boys and Girls Club is an opportunity to target kids in a very vulnerable state who need it the most,” said Tim O’Reilly, a B&GC board member and long-time Affinity Wealth Partners client. “These are kids who have very challenging circumstances in their home lives and are exposed to a lot of things they shouldn’t have to experience. The deck is stacked against them in many ways, but together, we can help turn it around for them. This is so important for them and our community.”
How Can You Help?
The fundraising campaign has raised $9 million of their $12 million goal. Will you please join us in helping them reach their goal?Any support is welcome, and you can make online donations here.

To donate via check, donate stock or make a contribution by any other means, please contact bharris@bgclubspringfield.org.